Stainless Steel Cleaning Products That Actually Work

What do you recommend using on the outside of stainless steel appliances? We have used at least a dozen different products over the last 20 years and we have found most of them seriously lacking. They either streak, don’t go on well or leave a strong odor. However, we...

Clean Ceiling Fans With Old Pillowcases

This is a trick I recently discovered and wanted to share with you. If you are getting your home or office cleaned on a regular basis, this probably isn’t for you. However, if it has been a while since your ceiling fans were cleaned than this is definitely for you!...

Sick Building Syndrome: Are You Being Effected?

What Is Sick Building Syndrome? Sick building syndrome (SBS) describes a situation in which occupants of a building/home experience acute health effects that seem to be linked to time spent in a place, but no specific illness or cause can be identified. The complaints...

How To Remove Road Salt From Hard Surface Flooring

One of the more frustrating things about winter, besides cold weather and bad drivers, is cleaning road/sidewalk salt off of your hard surface flooring. This is a challenge for homeowners and cleaning professionals alike. To understand why salt is so difficult to...