How To Make More Money And Work Less Hours In Your Business

How to run a professional cleaning business Raise your hand if you would like to have a profitable, well run cleaning business. Would you like to make more money with your business? Do you spend too much time putting out fires and not investing time in the important...

A Cleaner Future

I can guarantee you that a global pandemic was not on anyone's goal setting list for 2020. Sickness, death and economic disruption are here for the unforeseeable future. We are living in a crisis none of us has ever seen and there is no quick way out. You may have...

When Our Clients Take A Vacation

Taking a vacation is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. It gets us out of our routine and gives us time to unwind and really enjoy ourselves and our families. But from a cleaning service perspective, when our clients take a vacation, it can bring a...

Increase Profits, Reduce Work Place Illness

Reducing absenteeism Perhaps the most significant benefit of having your office professionally cleaned is reduced absenteeism. One of the major contributors to employee absence is illness related to unhygienic facilities and poor indoor air quality. Proper cleaning...

Top 5 Most Ridiculous Cleaning Myths!

Myth #1 – Use Newspaper to Clean Windows WRONG! Newspaper is not only lighter and more susceptible to tearing during use, it can leave permanent stains on your windows. Myth #2 – Vinegar Can Clean Everything Another No! While vinegar can help you with certain home...

Stainless Steel Cleaning Products That Actually Work

What do you recommend using on the outside of stainless steel appliances? We have used at least a dozen different products over the last 20 years and we have found most of them seriously lacking. They either streak, don’t go on well or leave a strong odor. However, we...

Clean Ceiling Fans With Old Pillowcases

This is a trick I recently discovered and wanted to share with you. If you are getting your home or office cleaned on a regular basis, this probably isn’t for you. However, if it has been a while since your ceiling fans were cleaned than this is definitely for you!...

Sick Building Syndrome: Are You Being Effected?

What Is Sick Building Syndrome? Sick building syndrome (SBS) describes a situation in which occupants of a building/home experience acute health effects that seem to be linked to time spent in a place, but no specific illness or cause can be identified. The complaints...

How To Remove Road Salt From Hard Surface Flooring

One of the more frustrating things about winter, besides cold weather and bad drivers, is cleaning road/sidewalk salt off of your hard surface flooring. This is a challenge for homeowners and cleaning professionals alike. To understand why salt is so difficult to...

Tips For Effective Snow Removal

As the CEO of Dirt Doctors Cleaning Services, over the past 18 years I have seen a lot of folks who dont properly remove snow and ice from entrances to homes and offices. Not only does this make it dangerous for our employees to gain entry, but it also means they are...

How To Quickly Clean Before A Party

Walk through your house with an empty laundry basket and collect everything that is “clutter.” You can sort it out later — right now, you just need to remove it! Wipe all horizontal surfaces with a damp microfiber cloth. Wipe all horizontal wooden surfaces using a...

How To Hire A Cleaning Company or Any Service Contractor

Hiring a cleaning service or any service professional can often be a frustrating task. We have all heard the horror stories about shoddy work or people getting ripped off, and we all want to avoid that happening to us. Whether you are hiring someone for work in your...